An insider look into Spotify Wrapped
On December 1, 2021, whether they saw it on their account, or social media, Spotify users woke up to “Top 5” blasted everywhere. Olivia Rodrigo’s “Sour,” Doja Cats “Planet Her,”…
Wellesley High School's Student News Publication
On December 1, 2021, whether they saw it on their account, or social media, Spotify users woke up to “Top 5” blasted everywhere. Olivia Rodrigo’s “Sour,” Doja Cats “Planet Her,”…
Students have been wearing masks in school for over a year, but with many eligible to get their vaccines, many are wondering when they can take their masks off. On…
The Girls’ Cross Country team finished their 2020 season off with a bang, placing third in their conference, just behind Natick and Brookline. Although their season was shortened from twelve…
Every year, the high school hosts a club fair during all three lunches where students can walk around, interact, and explore each of the clubs that the school offers. To…
On December 8, Evolutions students presented their second project, Design with a Why, to a panel of judges. Students were split into groups, and the goal of the project was…
Evolution’s first unit, “Younit,” was all about students exploring their identity, beliefs, values, and their role within their communities. A big part of Evolutions is to make sure the class…
The Nursing department is at the forefront of creating new structures within schools to protect students and staff against COVID-19. This year, instead of dealing with the typical Epipen refills…
Citizenship, community, collaboration, creativity, innovation, and communication are just some of the core values of Evolutions, a project-based program for thirty juniors and seniors at the high school that meets…
Wellesley’s Board of Selectmen and Board of Health originally gathered on May 1 to discuss a possible mandatory face-covering order but put a hold on the discussion midstream because the…
Troop 73200, the Girl Scout troop for high schoolers living in Wellesley is working with Generic Ministry for their winter drive, their first-ever drive through the high school. They are…