
The Bradford Online is the official web edition of Wellesley High School’s premier student news publication, The Bradford.

The Bradford Online launched in 2011 to establish a web-counterpart for The Bradford’s successful and ongoing print edition. While we remain dedicated to our emphasis on print journalism, we strive for excellence in all ventures, including the World Wide Web. For as long as we continue publishing online, we will continue to commit ourselves to the highest standards of web journalism.

As the official student voice of Wellesley High School, The Bradford and its web affiliate function as exclusively student-run news sources. Content is entirely student produced and any opinions expressed represent student viewpoints and are not necessarily the official position of The Bradford or that of Wellesley High School.

The Bradford is produced in Wellesley High School’s Journalism-Bradford course which is open to students in grades 9-12. Any current or future students interested in joining The Bradford should contact their English teacher or consider joining Media Matters, the first-semester prerequisite class.

To support to The Bradford Online, please consider bookmarking our page or “liking” us on Facebook. Follow us on Twitter @whsthebradford or on Instagram @whsbradford.

To subscribe to our print edition, fill out the form on the home page or email us at bradfordstaff@gmail.com.