Brennan Mullin finishes the Boston Marathon in 2015. She will run again this year supporting Wellesley ABC.

On April 17, two teachers from the high school will run the Boston Marathon in support of Wellesley ABC (A Better Chance), a program that provides young women with an education and countless opportunities beyond the classroom.

This year both Mr. Brian Reddy, an art teacher here at the high school, and Ms. Brennan Mullin, a second year teaching assistant at the high school, will be taking on the Marathon’s 26.2 mile journey. They will do so to help a program, Wellesley ABC, that has touched both of their lives in many ways.

One of the Wellesley ABC Students, Cypress Smith ’17, is thankful for the people running the Marathon for ABC, “It is so great that these people will be training and working hard to raise money for such an amazing community and organization like ABC Wellesley. It is amazing that these people will be putting in hard work in order to raise money for us,” she said.

Although Reddy does not have as much experience running as he would like, he feels as though he is ready to take on the challenges the race brings, especially if at the same time he will be supporting a cause he thinks is extremely worthy.

“Wellesley ABC is an amazing program,” said Reddy. “I have had students in ABC in many of my classes throughout the years, and giving young women of color opportunities where they can thrive — is just something amazing. These girls have touched my life, and I just had to give back and help the program any way I could.”

Despite the lack of experience, Reddy has been practicing leading up to his first marathon. “This is my first marathon, except for a half marathon, so I know it will be a little crazy and stressful, but I’m ready,” he said. “I’ve been running four times a week for a long time now, and I will be running a 20 mile run before the marathon that will cross three states in the New England area, so I’m feeling up for the challenge.”

Mullin, on the other hand, has run throughout her life. She started running when she ran cross country in the 6th grade, and also ran indoor and outdoor track throughout her high school years in Wellesley. When she began college, she shifted to running longer distances like half marathons and marathons.

“Running is more than a hobby to me now; it is a huge part of who I am,” said Mullin. “Being able to combine two things I am deeply passionate about — running and education — is so wonderful,” she said.

Mullin will be running her third marathon this April. She ran the Boston Marathon in 2014 (as a junior at Boston College) and fundraised for the Wellesley Scholarship Foundation, which provides deserving WHS graduates with financial support to attend the college of their dreams. In March 2015, her senior year of college, she ran the Rock and Roll DC Marathon in Washington, DC where she improved upon her previous marathon time by about 25 minutes.

Both she and Reddy will be supporting Wellesley ABC this year. Mullin is very excited to help support the cause, as it has touched her life as well as his.

“Over the last several years, I have grown passionate about education and the incredible opportunities that a great education can provide young adults,” she said. “I was thrilled at the chance to support a program that creates opportunities through education and enriches the WHS community.”

Having grown up in Wellesley and gone through the Wellesley Public School system, Mullin feels especially attached to the program.

“When this opportunity arose this year, I was excited to have yet another chance to contribute to a program in Wellesley that emphasizes the education of young adults,” said Mullin. “I was raised in Wellesley and was lucky enough to go through [the Wellesley Public Schools] myself, having these opportunities to contribute to the very community that has given me so much has been incredible.“

Both runners plan to run solo. Reddy will be wearing a ‘The Flash’ superhero costume and Mullin will be wearing bright colors.

Donations for Wellesley ABC through either runner can be made here.


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