The high school color block schedule has been around for several years. Each student requests the classes they wish to attend, and for the most part, get what they want. However, this year, problems have occurred in the scheduling process, causing some students not to get all the classes of their choices.
“This hasn’t happened since I’ve been here.” said Assistant Principal Mr. Marc Bender. Bender overseas students’ schedules, and also helps make changes to a student’s schedule if necessary. Bender believes students are not getting all the classes they want because of a new mandate for fitness and health requirements. According to the mandate, students now must take at least one gym class a year.
In previous years, students were required to take four gym classes at any point throughout their four years at the high school. “A number of students took two gym classes junior year”, stated Bender. “We didn’t have nearly as many taking P.E [all four years].”
For many students, like Chris Burke ‘17, their classes did not match what they signed up for. Burke had signed up for the gym class, Sports Education, but did not get placed into that class.
Burke also requested to be in AP Economics, but like many other students, was unable to get in the class. According to Bender, classes that are not widely offered, such as AP courses, are very difficult to get into. He believes this is because of the limited number of seats each course offers. AP Economics only runs two classes per year with a small number of available seats. Combined with a high demand leads to the exclusivity of AP Economics.
Burke, like many other students, feels disappointed that he did not get in the class after he’s been involved with the business program every single year. “I understand that scheduling isn’t always possible with all the classes I’m taking, but I feel like students who have been in the business program should have priority in the capstone course [AP Economics],” said Burke.
Although students have been left out of the classes of their choice, Bender wants all students to know that “no one is stranded, but choices have to be made… and students have to balance their interests and requirements.”