Smith writing down a math equation for her students next period. Photo by Addie Schiller.

Ms. Andrea Smith appeared at ease grading tests in her workshop area, the room next to the math lab. Smith teaches four different math classes in four different math classrooms, which is different from her previous teaching job at Framingham High School. Despite all of her movement, Smith’s passion is consistent. 

Smith said she makes an effort to encourage her students to become “more passionate” and “[gain] self-confidence in math.” 

Olivia Rodrigue ’22, one of Smith’s students said, “[Her] warmups are a helpful transition and they prepare me for the class. “On Ms. Smith’s worksheets, she always has at least one challenge problem that tests me to know the material.”

Smith admitted that some of her students may not share her zeal for mathematics but said, “I hope that my students leave the classroom still feeling kind of excited about math. In some of my sections, I feel like a win would be not hating math quite as much as they do.”


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