The two-foot drifts of snow that have taken precedence in Wellesley don't have to be the cause of boredom on a day off from school. (Photo by Celia Golod '17)

Living in New England, Wellesleyites have become accustomed to extreme snow conditions such as those experienced today. The best part of one of these blizzards is getting to enjoy the snow in the days following the storm. Here are the top five things to do around Wellesley in the wake of a blizzard (in no particular order):

  1. Go sledding! Wellesley is filled with hills to sled down. Some favorite spots around town include Wellesley College, Kelly Field located behind Bates, Sprague fields, Warren Park, and Nehoiden.
  2. Go for a stroll! There are countless wooded areas across Wellesley that are made even more beautiful by the snow. Walk through town along the Brook Path or trek over to Boulder Brook near the Bates School and wander through the forest paths.
  3. Go skating! There are rinks set up in Warren Park and in Hunnewell Fields behind the high school. Or, for a more old-school experience, head over to Longfellow or another frozen pond and skate there, carefully of course and after ensuring the pond is fully frozen.
  4. Make some money! Wellesley residences are home to numerous walkways and paths in desperate need of shoveling. You could decide to do a good deed and shovel your neighbors’ walks for free, or you could make a business of it.
  5. Stay inside and get cozy! Build a fire, make some of our famous Bradford hot chocolate (recipe below), read a book (aka watch some Netflix), and enjoy a view of the outdoors from the safety of your home.

Enjoy the snow! Just remember to stay safe around town and especially on the roads!

(Julia Hartnett ’16, Business & Managing Editor)


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