Photo by Jonathan Rolande under Flickr's Creative Commons. Attribution to under

By Dillon Hourican ’18, Executive Business and Managing Editor

Every day people hear about CrossFit, yoga, Zumba, P90X, Train Boston, SoulCycle, and many other workout programs people use to get in better shape. Recently, boxing finds itself on this list–not as a fighting program–but as the latest, greatest fitness trend.

Alyssa Cimino ’17 recently joined the boxing craze, and now she brings others to Title Boxing in Framingham to box with her.  Cimino found the inspiration to start boxing after watching the movie Creed, a movie about a son who never got to meet his champion boxer of a father, who then trains with retired fighter Rocky Balboa in order to face any opponent in the ring.

Similarly to the hard work that displayed in Creed, boxers at Title Boxing work tirelessly to maintain peak levels of physical fitness.

“Boxing is a great workout and really beneficial as it targets all areas of your body making you extremely sore the next day. It’s a workout that you feel during and after which is really nice because you know you are getting something out of it,”  said Cimino.

“At Title they start with a 15 minute warm up where you are literally drenched in sweat after. Then 30 minutes of boxing on a heavy bag. They give you different fighting combinations using all different techniques to work different muscles in your arms, legs and abs. And again through this you are always moving. And the last 15 minutes is all abs which is my favorite part of the workout,” said Cimino.

Despite the level of difficulty of the classes that Cimino goes through three times each week, she said, “It has been one of the best workouts I’ve ever done as it is challenging but also extremely fun.”

Cimino also recommends boxing for anyone who currently finds themselves looking for fun new way to get in shape, especially considering the fact that boxers at Title Boxing take their first class for free.

“The first class I went to was insanely hard, but it was probably the best I have ever had,” said Cimino’s friend Katie Smith ’17.

Boxing also keeps student athletes in peak physical shape during the off–season. One of the biggest mistakes an athlete can make is going into the first week out tryouts in less than ideal physical shape.

“Boxing is a full body workout and it has helped me stay in shape throughout the spring as I both decided not to play a sport this season,” said another friend Cimino brought to Title Boxing, Amy Dore ’17.

Cimino also recommends boxing to others based on the fact that anyone can box regardless of his or her age, gender, or current boxing ability.

Lastly, boxing also augments self-defense skills along with physical fitness levels. “From boxing I have learned how to defend myself and fight someone off and I feel that everyone should try so they know how to protect themselves,” said Dore.

Regardless of the motivating factor that gets someone into boxing Cimino ultimately said, “ Boxing is a new, fun, and hard workout to keep in shape when I was not participating in a high school sport.”


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