As the district runs its COVID-19 testing program, Student Congress plays a role in facilitating testing within the student population. Students pick up testing kits on Thursday or Friday and return their saliva tube on Monday or Tuesday of the following week.
“Since the testing program is not getting full participation, Dr. Chisum asked us to encourage students to take the tests and return them to school,” said Student Congress President Effa Fouda ’21.
The most effective method has been posting reminders on each grade’s social media page. Student Congress asked each grade’s class officers to re-post the information about pick-up and drop-off dates and times, reinforcing the messages sent by the school administration.
“Many students forget to grab their test from home in the morning because they are in a rush, so these posts are a helpful nudge,” said Fouda.
Furthermore, Student Congress is looking for even more ways to make the process easier and more efficient. They are considering having teachers remind their students or working with the administration to change the test kit pick-up and drop-off locations for students’ convenience.
“We recognize that the COVID-19 test might feel repetitive and tedious, but five minutes of everybody’s time each week will make the school much safer,” said Fouda.