Grey days: how Seasonal Affective Disorder impacts high schoolers
We all know the New England drill: November hits, and the days shorten, the skies cloud, the flowers wilt. Our sunlight vanishes, replaced by a constant cold and windy darkness.…
Wellesley High School's Student News Publication
We all know the New England drill: November hits, and the days shorten, the skies cloud, the flowers wilt. Our sunlight vanishes, replaced by a constant cold and windy darkness.…
In its 92 year history, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences has only nominated five women for Best Director, and only ever selected one female nominee as the…
The House of Representatives opened an impeachment inquiry on September 24, essentially investigating Donald Trump’s fitness to be President of the United States. On October 22, the top American diplomat…
There are trophy cases lining the hallways of the high school, filled with silver and gold championship trophies, plaques, and medals. The tennis, ice hockey, sailing and skiing teams have…
At the bustling Quebrada Bakery, alongside her mostly college and high school aged coworkers, 55 year old Karen Giorgio runs back and forth behind the counter five to six days…
Looking for the perfect holiday movie this season? Push “Home Alone” and “It’s A Wonderful Life” to the side this year, because “Dr. Seuss’s The Grinch” is in theaters and…
This school year began with the promise of Hispanic Heritage Month festivities. The nationwide celebration began on September 15 and lasted until October 15, and as soon as students arrived…
The Wellesley and Dedham Police Bureau for Criminal Investigation officers arrested Matthew Bradley, 27, in Dedham on the morning of September 12. His arrest on charges of unlawful possession of…
Rapper Cardi B, born Belcalis Almanzar, is taking the media by storm. The Bronx native is known for her catchy songs and upfront personality, and in the last month alone,…
April 16 marks the 122nd annual Boston Marathon, and this year, two Wellesley Public School teachers will join the roughly 30,000 other runners from the Boston area and afar, seeing…