Nathan Chiu '16 developed a tutoring service called Astute that won him the Under 18 Competition in the Future Entrepreneur Category of NextGenVest's annual competition (Courtesy Photo).

NextGenVest is an organization which claims to be the “Money Mentor for every student.” They help students to become aware of the financial components that are necessary to take into consideration in a multitude of endeavors in life, especially entrepreneurship.

NextGenVest holds a competition for their students to reward the excellence of those who win. This year, Nathan Chiu ’16, won the 18 Under 18 Competition in the Future Entrepreneur Category.

Chui’s reception of this award was mainly due to his creation of Astute, a tutoring service designed to meet individual students’ needs. He also co-founded PYNsocial, a revolutionary means of connecting students with their politicians.

“The process of winning was difficult. I had to complete a written application describing what my start-up did, and then I had to gather as many votes as I could to win the award,” said Chiu.

Having won this award, Nathan will be given mentorship from well-acclaimed business leaders to further his understanding about finances.  He will also receive a free “Money Box,” a combination of proDucts such like an organizational calendar and trading tips offered by NextGenVest.

“For entrepreneurship, you need funding, or else you won’t be able to create a fiscal product, or you won’t be able to advertise, so in that sense, knowing about finances and about how to budget is essential for entrepreneurship,” said Chiu in the official 18 Under 18 Competition video.

(Vincent Caruso ’16, Opinions Editor)


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