Juniors competed in the dodgeball tournament on Wednesday before a winning team advanced to the final rounds on Thursday. (Photo by Celia Golod '17)

Students from all grades came to support their friends at the championship game of the dodgeball tournament on March 12.

This year, Mitch Canzano ’16, Nolan Moon ’16, Brad Marchetti ’16, Bobby Georgenes ’16, Will Mountzoures ’16, and Erik Prakken ’16 won the tournament, which was sponsored by the class officers from every grade. Faculty members Mr. Bender, Mr. Kelton, Ms Novogroski, Dr. Chisum as well as other teachers who volunteered to be referees also worked hard to organize the event.

The overall winners’ names will be put on a plaque in the school as a prize. Additionally, class officers will give the winning team of each grade a prize chosen by the class.  For example, the senior winners received a $50 gift card to the Linden Store.

Nolan Moon had a good time competing in the tournament. “ I entered the dodgeball tournament because I’ve always really enjoyed dodgeball and the concept of the game is really fun and challenging,” he said.

Bobby Georgenes, who has participated all three years,  also thought it was a fun school event. “ I chose to participate in the tournament because it’s a fun way to compete against your friends and the other classes of WHS,” he said.“ The best prize is knowing that you won but it’s also sweet that we get the name of our team on a plaque.”

Senior Class President Tyler Jung ’15 likes how this tournament helps the school come together. “I hope the students get a sense of unity and competition through the tournament. Dodgeball is a game that doesn’t necessarily require athletic ability, and so all students can play a game. Additionally I really like the championship game between all four grades, because it gives the students an opportunity to play against kids they might not normally be able to,” he said.

Tony Shu ’17, the sophomore class president, agrees with Jung. “It’s just awesome to see the school/class/team spirit generated by the tournament and it’s cool to have an athletic event so we can appeal to all interests in our class,” Shu said.

The competitive yet friendly atmosphere is also a fun part of the tournament. “ I think the atmosphere is great! There is definitely competition between grades and students, but I also don’t think that any of the teams are that different in their dodgeball playing abilities, so there is a very friendly atmosphere as well,” Jung said.

(Julia Clapham ’17, Staff Writer)


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